Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Killer Among Friends

Missy Avila

This 1992 made-for-television movie was based on the 1985 murder of Michele "Missy" Avila by her two best friends, Karen Severson and Laura Doyle.
Karen Severson
Laura Doyle

Apparently the two girls were jealous of Avila's beauty and popularitity. Severson and Doyle were convicted and sentenced to 15 years to life in prison.

In the movie the names are changed. Missy Avila is Jenny Monroe, played by Tiffani-Amber Thiessen. Karen Severson is Ellen Holloway, played by Margaret Welsh. Laura Doyle is Carla Lewis, played by Angie Rae McKinney. Patty Duke plays Jenny's mother,Jean,who searches fervently for her daughter's killer.

Patty Duke as Jean Monroe

Tiffani-Amber Thiessen as Jenny Monroe (Missy Avila)

Margaret Welsh as Ellen Holloway (Karen Severson)
Angie Ray McKinney as Carla Lewis (Laura Doyle)


  1. I remember watching this and crying every time they showed what they did to jenny. I was 7 or 8 years old when I first saw this movie and always wondered who or what the real "Jenny" looked like. My mind can now be at ease after so many years of wondering thanks to the power of the internet. My heart goes out to the REAL friends and families of Missy Avila. R.I.P Sleeping beauty.

    Lionel D.

  2. I think that missy avila was a very trusting credulous girl who was the type that everyone liked,but unfortunately her beauty and popularity were ultimately the cause of her being the object of intense aversion and envy.I've read the book about her and came to the conclusion that sometimes even people you think are your "friends" can turn on you.

    RIP Missy

    Ronald E.

    1. I think its indeed a tragedy, however. it appears that many are basing their opinions on a movie version. Had they used an actor less glamorous than Ms Theissan and focused on character development, we may have a different opinion. It seems that Karen was jealous of Missy's life more than anything else. She stepped into her life after she killed her. It seems everyone focuses on the superficial.


  4. love this movie its by far the best movie ive seen unfortunately its a very sad story :( r.i.p missy


  5. Missy was my cousin!! I love her always!! May Allah watch over her!!

    Moscozo Family

    1. I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a stunning girl. RIP Missy

    2. I'm sorry... those girls should got death penalty. I'm looking at it now

    3. I saw it today for the 3rd or 4th time and it upset me when she was blaming everybody else and had the NERVES to move in with the mother!!

    4. Dude, Allah? Missy was from a Mexican American family. I hardly doubt she has any muslim cousins, and if you are a convert I suggest you get your head out of your ass. Islam is a religion for the naive. If Missy was your supposed cousin then Missy was to laura, and Karen, what Muhammed was to his followers. Your cousin was naive as any air head, and so are you!I I even read, and talked to people who disliked her not only because of her looks (which i am curious to see she was nothing special or anything of being called a beauty. You must have had some ugly people where you lived), because she was as mean as her friends, and rude.Hollywood adds more things to make a story interesting. Somebody needs to be blunt to your family. You also cannot read Arabic. If you actually read the Qu'ran in its original text you would know you have NO LOGIC. People from Algeria, to Morroco, and many other middle eastern places are running away from Islam and the religion keeps gaining Naive, morons. Yes, you are naive, and dumb as shit. I lived among muslims. I come from a muslim OCCUPIED country. They murdererd more indegenous peoples then anyone. If your cousin was murdererd then you would NOT SYMPATHIZE for a religion that murders at its best.


    5. To the “ Pissed Off” guy, dude why so angry?

    6. Dam for this person to be so pisses off about this person who die I fill sorry for you... no one deserves to die by the hands of your friends....get help with your anger..

  6. I watch this movie every time it comes out and am always sad by what happens. I only hope that Missy's family finds peace and that the 2 b----es never find peace or happiness RIP Missy.

  7. I Can remember being hated for my curly, wavy locks. Rest in peace missy.

  8. I have watched this movie so many times that I've lost count. I still cry to this day when I watch it. Watching the mother break down at the news about her daughter always gets me and I will begin to cry again and again. Watching them kill her is the most heart-wrenching part and I find myself crying over and over, thinking about what a precious life has just been taken from the world in the most unfair way. Then to see that Carla (Laura) thought for a minute to go back and help her and then to change her mind and say that she deserved it for sleeping with her boyfriend was cold-blooded. Karen was the one who had NO feeling and yet Laura had trouble dealing with it says a lot. I am so sorry for the family of Jenny (Missy) and I hope that the two people responsible for this awful crime spend the rest of their life in prison and I pray that Missy's mother is able to stop the parole, each and every time that they come up for parole. My prayers go out to the family and to Missy.

    1. I too agree with Judy, I never watched this movie until today, I came to find tears coming down my face through this whole movie! it showed me that you cant even trust the people you call your own bestfried it's sad.

    2. I don't know how many times I've seen the movie, but it still is as shocking as the first time. By all accounts, Missy Avile was compassionate and kind girl. That they let one of her killers out on parole last year is shocking. This description of a sociapath has always resonated with me: "a subtly constructed reflex machine which can mimic the human personality perfectly."

    3. My wife and I watched it for the first time last night and my wife broke down crying. The cruelty of these 2 girls astonishes us.
      R.I.P. Missy., you were taken from this world much to early.

    4. I thought the parole was in 1998 and both were released? I missed something somewhere.
      Regardless another sad story.

  9. i cant believe these girls just got 15 years !

    1. So I was right both were released at parole?
      That disgusts me yo no end.
      The Skylar Neese murderers may also.just hold 15 years if the 2 are out on parole.
      This is didgusting.
      Ehere sre those 2 guys now that the 2 accused her of cheating with? Married totally other women most likely with families...
      So g-dd-mn stupid...
      Worse was she wasn't with either guy...

  10. I just finished watching this movie and those 2 bitches deserve life in jail... r.I.p missy


    1. That is so true

    2. Seriously bring race into this? Get a life losers....

    3. No need to call anyone a loser it is true. I feel bad that this happened but those ladies should have gotten life. Just like they would give someone that isn't white, Period.

    4. Always gotta bring white n black into it!! U want racism. Gone....don't bring it up!!

    5. The first response is true. If the killer was black he/she would've been locked up and the key thrown away. Racism is alive and well! To say it's not is just plain ignorance.

    6. What a ridiculous thread to this chat (racism) - everyone agrees that 15 years was not enough for what these girls did.... I am trying to search the web to see if they were released - it was 15years to life.... I hope they never get out!

    7. Unfortunately, racism is going strong!! Thank God for DNA testing! It has freed so many Black men. Men that have been in prison more than half of their lives, convicted truly because of the color of their skin! How very, very sad!!!

      Now back to the subject at hand...Missy's life was cut too short!!! Her vile murderers should never be released from prison. Boo! Hoo! :-( So one of them has M S. So what? After such a brutal killing..& such a short stay In prison... are we really being led to believe that she has reformed?! I think not!!! I vote to keep her in the cooler ...M S & all!!!!!

    8. You ignorant son of a bitch. Your turning a tragic story into racism. Have you ever been to a prison?? What color people is it made up of??? BLACK you fuckin moron. Why is this?? Your a bunch of animals. Go take a city job and fill the quota. Ohhh wait your not even smart enough to do that. Go cry a river to someone who cares.
      As for the real story at hand those girls should die in prison alone and miserable. No one deserves that!!!

    9. So tru... do u know Laura has a website want to b friends or something more? crazy... her description states she is a loyal friend. what where that came from? if that was tru missy would still b alive

    10. Its sad that you cant even look at a blog and not be hit with black or white thing. First off if black men wouldn't have been committing crimes such as rape murder selling drugs etc then they wouldn't have gotten a bad rap. Second if white men wouldn't have followed in there foot steps then maybe they wouldn't be in the same boat. Third this is about Missy and what happened to her she was brutally murdered by two of her best friends for various reasons and its sad that these WOMEN felt the need to take a beautiful young womans life for their own selfish reasons.

    11. Funny, Missy was Mexican American, and they changed her to a girl named Tiffani Amber Thiessen A CAUCASION of German/Turkish decent. So, ummm...yeah race is a big deal in Hollywood too.So, you want to talk race the whole film changed Missys heritage, name to appease the caucasion American folk (and I am caucasion myself so STFU). If they had not changed it for the American caucasions then no one would care to watch a story about a Hispanic girl murdered. Same with the Petersen case. Lacy was caucasion, and a Hispanic girl in the area was murdererd the same way, and NO ONE gave two shits, or offered 500,000 dollars to find her the way the caucasion with good teethe had been.

    12. To the dumb shit that said black makes up the popularity in jail you are wrong it's Hispanics.and where I'm from south boston whites are nothing but lowlife druggies and rapist. Thanks to those fucks blacks can meet the quota and I am white.

  12. i also just finished watching this movie -- i cry every time i see it, especially the part where they show what they did to missy.. she had such a wonderful family and life ahead of her.. rip

  13. i too cant believe those two vicious killers only got fifteen to life. they should of got life. God be with you Missy. Rest in peace.

  14. I just watched this on Lifetime Movie Network today:
    How can someone do that to someone else? Unbelievable!! Any latest updates on the case? Are the 2 girls still in jail??

    1. Have uou seen the Skylar Neese story. Almost similar...

  15. AT Annonymous it has nothing to do with race it was a senseless killing of a beautiful young woman that had so much ahead of her but those two losers "so called friends", chose to play GOD and take her life because they had no plans to better their futures so jealous because Missy had a brite future. They're so stupid because had they'd known, ur future is wut u make it & beauty is really within.

    1. U also must not. B black bcuz. U missed the whole point it wasn't the crime it was the time

    2. There r Blacks n Niggers and Whites n White trash. Those of u who say this is Racism r Niggers n White trash Wiggers (wanna b Niggers). Slavery is wayyyyyyyy over. Really Niggers +, move on. U r using the past to justify your messed up lives. U guys use the system only if it benefits u. Everythings free 4 u if you have babies so u just keep having them. Baby Baby n more Babies. Where's the Daddy? Oh yea, dealing Drugs n collecting unemployment or more benefits 4 more babies. U call everything else Racism.Really??? Who's Racist?

    3. You're an idiot and a racist. Who cares about race go vent somewhere else. You took something about an innocent girl and used it for your own selfishness. Don't be mad at the world if u came up short top and below and try to compensate on here.

    4. Idiot this the girl was Hispanic American, and they changed her to a caucasion of German/Turkish heritage Tiffani Amber Thiessen. Their are Caucasions (not the term whites you stupid Americans use). Caucasion is the correct term. Many caucasions are olive skinned, and many Hispanics are white colored. Don't use coloring dumb ass to define people. Regardless, the real Missy was Mexican, and they changed the name Avila to a Caucasion Scott/Irish name. Hell, Patty Duke looked nothing like Missy's mother who was your typical Mexican looking chick.

    5. Sighhhh...
      So sad the main killer had a daughtet. Guess that murderer lost her daughter to foster care/adoption. Plus having to grow up knowing Mom was a murderer but not only a murderer but the murderer of her best friends.

  16. I have seen this movie so many times and read the book its a shame that people can be so jealous to the point they want to kill!!

    1. I agree they blamed missy but what about the guys they did there part to so why did they kill her for they should have confronted there boyfriend's to if it wasnt going to be with her then they would have still cheated with another girl

    2. It is called transference.
      The only hiy who made a pSs and lied was Dan aka the movie.
      Steve said he and Carla had broken up.Jenny was going to ysll to Carla but then those fire vrackets yhrown around her most lokely she forgot.
      The test: dhe was flirtatious but that didn't make her a 'whore.:

  17. this movie seems to touch everyone! i just watched it on lifetime too. the first time i saw it i was a young girl age 8-10 or so. and even at that age, this movie was stuck in my head even though there are so many like it! love the movie..RIP missy

  18. I recorded this movie last night actually and this was like my 5th time seeing it and I just can't get over how petty these girls were. Yes Missy was gorgeous and loved by everyone. But so what? Get over it. You don't kill her for it. I mean how sick and twisted can these girls be? To kill their best friend? Does anyone know if they are still in jail?

    1. It wad more than that...the 2 were jealoud of her popularity and the gamily life dhe had...
      Plus remember the 2 thought she was after both thr noyfriends. The guy Dan was a bum. She told Jenny she was acceptrd for food stamps snd was about being approved for welfare. Yhe bf was a drunk it dermed a moocher to day thr leadt.The other guy broke up eith the other girl but she felt if Jenny was not in the picture he would uave stayed with her. He did nothing wrong and neither did Jenny.

    both have been denied parole 3 times
    at this time both have served 21 years in prison and are not likely to be paroled.

    1. I thought one made it out in 2012...I hope this is true as maybe Dave Neese could use that when the 2 bitches who murdered his daughtrr Skylar are up for parole...

  20. missy memory: missy this is burn, just want you to know you never left my heart.....p.s. until we meet again I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MY ARMS CAN'T HOLD ANYONE ELES THE WAY I HELD YOU...YOU ARE MISSED..XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

  21. Missy's mom was such a pillar of strength. She showed such class when she said she didnt want revenge. To be such an honorable person when going through something so horrible shows true character. What an incredible woman she is!

  22. I think why this movie had such an impact was the story and how patty duke portrayed the grieving mother. She gives her heart and soul into every performance.

    1. I agree, I just finished watching the movie on Lifetime. It was so sad that Missy was robbed of the future she dreamed about. I'm sad for the mother and her family. I truly hope they have found peace.

  23. im watching it now. so sad. sleep with the angels missy. god will get his revenge on those that did this to you.

  24. i've seen this movie several times and still to this day leaves a ache in my heart for missy family, i had a brother murdered in 2001 so i know their pain, his killers got life, i couldnt imagine if they had got the 15 yrs these animals got, so far the parole board has seen through these 2 wolves in sheeps clothing. I read one of them have been diagnosed with MS so if shes not suffering from any guilt Karma has already got her, i have cared for people with this disease & you truly suffer and slowly if shes ever paroled she wont live a full life!!!!!

  25. this is one of many cases that happen everyday, as a mom myself I couldnt imagine the hurt she felt and still faces even today. may GOD bless her family and friends.

  26. Hi I am in nashville tn and I am watching the movie again right now. When I seen I the first time I was so sorry for you and your family, but since I am watching again today after losing my mother which I think her husband did it, I understand alot more. I admire your strength your courage and I am so sorry so sorry for your lost.

  27. I've always wondered what the real"Jenny"(Missy)looked like. Gorgeous! The 2 girls that took her life look like their spirits, a total mess! I hope they get what they desereve, a life of pure hell! You reap what you sow. I'm so sorry for Missy and her family. Good will prevail! God is still in control

  28. this was a stupid movie....

    1. U r a stupid bitch

    2. U r a stupid bitch

    3. i agree with the person who posted this comment... you are a stupid bitch... how can you be so heartless... people in this world are evil.. have a heart and think before you open up your mouth and speak you dont know who you will offend you stupid cunt.

    4. Thats is a horrible thing to say. You heartless piece of crap. How would you like it if someone in your family was killed and they wanted to do a movie about it. Well obiously your connected some how... GET A LIFE.. Maybe something needs to be done with you.

  29. i know right you people need to get a life its been like 20 yrs since her death stop being gay and get a fucking life maybe she did deserve what she got but you werent there so lets try and grow up you stupid whores and bitches

    1. You are one ignorant bitch who deserves to be slapped some since into. The lady down below is right God doesn't like ugly n u will weep what u sow.

    2. Regardless if this happen 20+ years ago her life was taken away, for what? Because Two ugly bitches wanted to be her. You have some nerve to disrespect ppl because they feel compassion for her and her family. I pray that God has mercy on stupid ppl like u. R.i.p Missy

    3. You must be ugly and jealous of this girl cause you wouldn't be posting something like this. Or you know that girls that did it and connected in some way... Get a life

    4. No that young lady DID NOT DESERvE to die...those 2 women had extremely low self esteem was jealous and accused her of sleeping with their bfs which did not even happen...but even if she had that was no reason to kill her...the 2cwere also had a child and that child grew up w/o her mother plus has to live with the fact her mother was partially responsible for killing her best friend.

  30. right onn! she was probably some lesbian. she probably was raped by them too. she probably let that girls boyfriend fuck her in the ass and penetrate her pussy like the person up there said she was a whore she let people just kiss her and sleep around with her brothers we all honestly know the truth...

    1. you are another ignorant bitch u dumb bitches say this shit but what if it was someone u loved or u. Dumb hoes need to think before I say stupid shit

    2. *dumb hoes need to think before u say stupid shit

    3. For the ignorant assholes who seem to think she deserved it, would u think the same if it was your child. NO ONE has the right to take another's life and yes karma is a bitch. So for those of u with the nasty comments see how it feels when it comes back around and kicks u in the fucking ass

    4. No one deserves death. I don't care if that happen 20 years ago. She was beautiful.As for you two karma is going to get you dumb bitches for those hateful thoughts and feelings. May you guys not sleep, be abused and burn in hell.

    5. Chayenne, U seem jealous yourself of her. Ppl like u don't have anyone. you talk out of ur ass. the reason why is because how u seem to describe her that is probably how u are. Ignorance is bliss. Your just another lost soul that should get mental help. We will pray for u. r.i.p Missy wether it was twenty years ago a mothers heart never heals and I know its hard for the brothers. Those two girls will never know what love isbecause they are full of envy and will always be alone. They will never have what Missy has a strong loving family!

  31. I watched this movie and it made me so sad and scared for my daughter who is only 4. But its like you have to really have to look after your kids but at the same time let them grow. It is so hard to imagine what missy's mother went through but my heart and prayers go out to the family. I am glad the girls that did this got caught. They were terrible people and the 15 years that they served is only half of what they will pay when they meet their maker. Missy is in a better place and she is watching over her family.

  32. does anyone know how her mom is doing?

    1. I watched a show on the I'D channel recently about this murder and her brothers still cried so hard to this day and her mother is still suffering. The brother even stated "Ellen" had the nerve to come sit at their table and eat with them as if she really cared. The story was not modified to be more interesting that's exactly what happened. My prayers go to her family who still hurt from the deception and the loss

  33. Unbelievably, Karen Severson (the one who moved in with the victim's mother to "catch the killer") was released from prison on December 9, 2011 after serving 21 years for the murder of Michele "Missy" Avila.

    Missy's brother speaks about the parole of Severson in this article:

    Laura Doyle still remains in prison for her part in the murder.

    1. I was surprised that Karen Severson was released from prison. Since she moved in with the victim's mother. I would think she would not allow this. I always wanted to know which town and state the murder took place.

  34. I'm surprised that Karen Severson was released from prison. I was wondering what town the movie and story took place. Is the victim's mother still living?

  35. I really think that the three negative people who commented those horrible words are some ugly inside and out to say such words. God dont like ugly and those nasty comments that we're said proves your ugliness. I dont care what she did with those guys she still did not deserve to die. You all will reap what you sow.

  36. If I was Missy's mother I would see to it that both girls were never released from prison because they took away someone's life and had no remorse.Missy had her whole life ahead of her and Karen and Laura took it away from her by murdering her so I think yes Laura does deserve to stay in prison for the rest of her life and rott in hell for what she did and as for Karen she never should've been released from prison.

  37. I just watched this movie. I hope those bitches aren't released that's a damn shame they killed her because they were jealous of her beauty. Those whores deserve to rot in prison.

  38. It breaks my heart to see a movie like this. It should be on "prime time" channels as a learning tool. There are so many lessons to take away from it. 21 years is not enough for a deliberate murder. God Bless Missy and her family.

  39. just watched the movie again patty duke is amazing as the mom but just imagine how missys mom and family feels i was also wondering if those girls ever got out of prison. gosh i hope not

    1. I haven't seen this movie in yearSSssssss for 1 didn't know it was based on a true story and 2 the killers were up for parole in 1997...I'm gonna google now I'm so curious & hope those two are still locked up

  40. OMG! They killed Kelly Kapowski!

    1. LOL!!! I said the same thing!!!!!!!

  41. When this movie came out I was 12 years old and remembered watching it with my mother. I watched it again last nite. I can't believe one is out of prison!

  42. I am sorry some comments became nasty, crude and off the subject. No matter how she did or didn't live her life, she didn't deserve to be murdered nor did her family need to suffer at the loss of their child, sister, grandchild or friend. What a shame!

  43. This is an unbelieveable event but portrayed great

  44. May you sleep with the angels and may God hold you in HIS arms. RIP Beautiful Girl.

  45. The sad thing is, is that them kinda of evil girls are everyplace. How could someone take another ones life just because someone is prettier. That is something so evil. All people are beautiful. Inside and out. Some people just don't really know that or believe it. It's such a shame. May these evil women rot in hell and die a painful death.

  46. Just watched this movie for the first time. So sad and to top it one of the crazy bitches already got released!! No wonder why this world is so messed up. Rip

  47. For the people who made nasty comments you be shame of your self that could be ur mother or ur sister or one of ur family members. Have a heart don't be evil!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. Missy sleep with the angels always!!!!!!!!

  49. Just watched the movie for the first time, and looked up what happened to the 2 killers anyone know what they got out of it im really curiouse, and no one should have their life taken by others......if she did do the things the girls said she did it woulda came back to her twice as bad there was no reason to take her life. But the movie was made in missy's favor so no one will really ever know the truth. RIP Missy

  50. So they add picture of the girls that killed her and well they are pretty damn ugly and fat. Burn in hell you girls that killed her. She was a very pretty girl. RIP angel

  51. Wow that evil sneer on Karen Severson's face in that picture is CREEPY! Pure evil to do that to Missy and then to use her mom and play her like that. VERY disturbing! Rest in peace Missy and God bless her loved ones.

  52. This movie was sad I just got done watching it. I caught it at the end where Ellen ( Karen) told Jeans son to go kill that guy but he didnt do it. I cried. It was wrong for Karen to fool Jean. Nobody xan unserstand what it is like to loose a child until you are in those shoes.

  53. This movie was sad I just got done watching it. I caught it at the end where Ellen ( Karen) told Jeans son to go kill that guy but he didnt do it. I cried. It was wrong for Karen to fool Jean. Nobody xan unserstand what it is like to loose a child until you are in those shoes.

  54. Rest in peace always.....i watched this movie w my mom when i was a lil girl, my mom n i cried then, n i cry now wo my mom here

  55. rest in peace still can't believe your are gone the first time i saw that movie how can people like that u have known since you were little do that to a pretty girl

  56. It is sad. I pray for her loved ones. I just went through a girl trying to kill me over a boy so it is real. Rip Missy. I pray GOD help and heal her family.

  57. I looked at this movie several times, but was actually curious of what the real people looked like. It's sad to instill so much trust into people for them to portray you in murder. Women need to get it together, because if she slept with their boyfriends ok ya'll fight and stop f'ng with her plain and simple. There was no reason to kill her. So these two let two boys who didn't want them to justify killing their friend because she was more attractive. Idiots. And I feel just as said for Karen's daughter who have to know that her mother is a killer. Now she's motherless just at Jean is daughterless. Moreover, for those of you who are making racist comments are uneducated idiots. Black people aren't the only one collecting government money assholes. And I am a BLACK WOMAN who is engaged to a BLACK MAN whom my two children are by who does not sell drugs but who is in the military(U.S.A.F). So for whoever the person was to make that comment, need to get their shit together. Regardless of how old the comment is, racism still exists for ALL RACES. And yes if it were black women they would've served LIFE without parole. The point the person was making wasn't set out to be a racist issue, just a point proven. However, you have crazy, mentally ill, and stupid people who are heartless and regardless of race and jealousy, this girl deserved her life. Now she's in peace while her family is suffering. Sad.

    1. God bless your husband I give him a lot of credit but your ABSOLUTELY wrong!!!

    2. No she is right and obviously racism still exist and my point is proven by just reading this thread and what these senseless crackers are saying.

    3. You damn right! Coming from a black female as well. They would of puttied our ass under the jail if it was a black person.

  58. Are they out ?? I hope not I just it made me cry and mad. I hope they brun in Hell I know god has a special for them

    1. Very sad story those girls in prison had to ask themselves was it worth it.No it would not be to hurt so many people over what? Jeolousy so stupid.

  59. The actions of these girls (now women) was undeniably EVIL. The MEAN AND NASTY words above are from the same TYPE of EVIL. I just watched the movie again. I just can not believe that they have released Severson. I would like to know if the other psycho has been released also.

  60. Just watched and I love the movie never knew it was a true story til now I think the only reason I'm still alive is because I don't deal with the frenenmies! Once I get a sense u don't like me I get away from u! in highschool I didn't go withmy best friends everywhere cuz I didn't trust them a lot cuz I had more than they did and still do to this day! Rip missy and go bless your family!

  61. As a person who had a family member ( age 12)killed by someone claiming to be their friend, the pain never goes away.You always think.... what if and why. Its a shame that someones life is tragicly taken away due to the evil thoughts and feelings of another. My brother in-laws killer (age 15) was never tried. He was young and they didnt want to scar the kid worse by trying him in the murder. As the family of the victim we suffer everyday not haveing him in our lives. My prayers goes out to the family of this young girl. We feel your pain. God bless.

  62. when I first saw diz movie i thought what kind of so call friends where diz girls evil cure jealous bitches they so ugly and sure enough the fat 1 is fat the orange red head butt teeth ugly both diz girls are cowers they ould of stay in prison not just 15years poor missy rip smile with the angels and hevens

  63. when I watched this movie I was in tears that's sucks that your two bestes friends could even be jealous of you well missy was a beauty the other two ewww they look like guuu ugly ass bitches that good those nasty ugly monster dikey looking got life hope there rottyin in that shit hole bitches you got what you deserve mayyou not comeoutthey should of gotten the chair if it was up to me they would of been gone

  64. never seen it before till the other day and didnt get why they would do that to someone instead of asking her

  65. Why was it only second-degree murder?

  66. Any updates as to the jail sentenced served by Laura and Ellen? I trust that they would die in prison

  67. I don't care what she did or didn't do. Kids in high school are just that "kids" and we as teen has said and or done things to our classmates. That is not the point!! She didnt deserve to die the way she did. Period. If she was your loved one, you wouldn't want someone to say bad things about them. You should be ashamed of yourself to even put that comment in a blog. Shame on you!!!!I dont care how mean they say she was and how Hollywood may have portrayed her. The fact is they murdered her in cold blood, the planned it, knew what they were doing and showed no remorse about it. They shouldve gotten more than what they did get. They shouldn't even be allowed to walk the streets. They should be locked up for life. Missy's life was taken away, why should they be allowed to get out of prison and live the rest of theirs out. No fair!!! #justiceformissy!!!!!

  68. If either of the three women who participated in this crime can't take the comments they'll probably be receiving for the rest of their lives, I highly recommend they just not have the internet in their lives. Then they won't have to read them anymore.

  69. I hope nobody in the Avila family thinks I'd ever blame them, I only blame myself, for my previously feeling sorry for one of the women who participated in this crime. Warning to all, you should always forgive them, only for the sake of God and Jesus, but NEVER feel sorry for them.

  70. Only, always, and forever, nothing ever but extremely warm, loving hugs, from myself, and my family, to Missy Avila, up in Heaven, her wonderfully beloved mom, and the whole Avila family.

  71. What any of us people in the world should do whenever any of us other people ever say, or write mean, insensitive, nastily condescending, negatively judgemental, abusive, nastily patronzing, vigalante, meanly immature, meanly childish, cruel, unproductive, dishonest, unethical, unhelpful, hurtful, weak, pathetic, losing, violent, hateful, prejudiced, bigoted, obnoxious, rude, ignorant, idiotic, false, dark, and negative words, and comments, anywhere, or anywhere, at all, on the whole internet. We should all should simply only totally, fully, honestly, completely, adamantly, smartly, definitely, certainly, positively, largely, positively upliftingly, strongly, powerfully, winningly, peacefully, tranquilly, and instantly forgive, and ignore them all, because sometimes, any, and all of us people in this whole world, temporarily, speak, or write only through Satan, and not through our forever, ever, and ever true, great, good, lord God, in any ways, at all, whatsoever.

    1. There are rules on the internet, and on Facebook, regarding the possibility of anyone's ever suddenly, foolishly, stupidly, sickly, wrongly, profanely, provocatively, hatefully, hurtfully, heartlessly, roughly, unlawfully, sadly, weakly, pathetically, angrily, violently, coldly, callously, cruelly, insanely, and creepily committing harrassment, humiliation, degradation, physical threats, death threats, and celebration of any criminal activity towards any other people. The people who run Facebook, after being reported to, can, and will disable that person's account, and the police can, and will be notified of what that person did.

  72. Always truly remember that the only truly real, non-fake, and positively everlasting God, Jesus, and any, and all of their above, beautiful, everlasting, and heavenly angels, only most truly, most fully, most honestly, most completely, most positively enlighteningly, most positively non-coldly, most positively non-weakly, most positively non-phonily, most positively non-cruelly, most positively non-sadly, most really, most truthfully, most genuinely, most positively non-obnoxiously, most sincerely, most positively productively, most positively non-condescendingly, most rightly, most purely, most strongly, most warmly, most caringly, most lovingly, most givingly, most tenderheartedly, most helpfully, most positively, most positively upliftingly, most positively decently, most positively non-hatefully, and most adamantly, always have, and now, always, and forever will forgive any, and all of any, and all of us people's, and humans' much more longer, previous past, much more recently previous past, present, and future sins, despite how any other humans, and people, whom are, at all, here, on earth, may now, always, and forever feel about us, or negatively feel about us. Their opinions of us don't now, always, and forever count the most of all. Only God, and Jesus's opinions of us all, now, always, and forever count the ultimate most.

  73. For myself, and any, and all people, at all, within this whole, entire world to now, always, and forever hopefully, adamantly, seriously, strongly, definitely, certainly, and honestly know, remember, and never ever forget, in any ways, at all, whatsoever. It's perfectly okay for any of us to honestly not, at all, like, love, befriend, or ever even wish to befriend any of the three women, of whom participated in this crime, and especially not, at all, like what they did to Missy Avila, but it's not okay for any of us to disrespect Missy Avila's, her whole, entire family's, or God, and Jesus's wishes by ever giving in to, or constantly delivering deliberate, unhelpful, unuseful, totally unproductive, totally losing, totally uncool, totally non-winning, totally heartless, totally negative, violent, evil, indecent, totally rudely sarcastically mocking, totally ill-mannered, totally impolite, totally unappreciative, vigilante, obnoxious, petty, immature, ignorant, stupid, dark, sad, sick, creepy, insane, crazy, irrational, unreasonable, ugly, unhealthy, weak, totally non-peaceful, totally nontranquil, totally unforgiving, totally non-strong, totally pitiful, pathetic, profane, unpleasant, totally dishonest, totally wrong, totally childish, totally unlawful, totally negatively killing, negatively destructive, negatively self-destructive, rude, selfish, totally non-heroic, self-narcissistic, irresponsible, cold, disrespectful, absurd, ungodly, unchristian, and negatively non-spiritual hateful behavior, within anywhere, at all, within the whole, entire, full internet, not even towards any of these three women, of whom participated within the October, 1985 crime of killing Missy Avila.

